Draft NP

Draft Neighbourhood Plan


We have been working on a Neighbourhood Plan since 2017 and in early 2018 held a series of Consultation Events to get your views. WDC published their Submission Wealden Local Plan in mid 2018 with a significantly changed package for our Parish. This gave us an allowance of 48 new homes from 2017 to 2028.  Permissions had already been granted (as at May 2019) for 27 of these homes leaving a residual allowance of 21 homes until 2028.  

The Steering Group submitted a draft to WDC of our Vision and Objectives in mid 2019 for consideration.  In September 2019 we held further Consultation Events to seek feedback from the community on the work already undertaken.  The results of these events can be seen in the Consultation section.  Unfortunately, WDC’s draft Local Plan was withdrawn in February 2020 and we had to rethink our position.  We knew that a new Wealden Local Plan process would commence but that it was likely to take 2/3 years to come to fruition.  In the interim, we would be subject to the existing statutory development plan.  Within these policies, our Parish has no Development Boundary for East Hoathly or Halland and a zero allocation of housing.  However, because WDC have not met the housing supply targets for many years we will be vulnerable to unplanned speculative develpments until WDC can achieve the 5 Year Land Supply Target.  Several large planning applications were submitted for our Parish and currently 279 homes have been approved.  

The Draft NP is now subject to a Community Referendum.  On this page you will find the Referendum Version EHHNP and other supporting documents.  You can select the options to download the EHHNP and Character Appraisal as a Word Document or pdf.  The Word Documents have been checked for Accessibility.  If anyone has difficulty accessing the documents, please contact us for assistance.  You can also view the documents on this page but they are large documents so may take time to load depending on the type of device you are using.  Viewing the Word Documents on tablets or mobile phones may result in some formatting issues.  If you have problems using Word Documents on tablets or mobile phones you can still view the documents online below, download them onto a desktop pc or laptop or download the pdf options.  If you still have problems, please contact us.

The documents are also available to view at The Kings Head, East Hoathly and Blacksmiths, Halland.

These documents can also be viewed on the WDC website.

East Hoathly with Halland

Submission Neighbourhood Plan

East Hoathly with Halland

Character Appraisal

The Character Appraisal shown below, is a supporting paper for the East Hoathly with Halland Neighbourhood Plan (EHHNP).  It considers the location and landscape setting of the area, its historic development, building materials, building details, the contribution of the natural environment and issues having a negative impact on the character and appearance of the area.  WDC have produced a draft East Hoathly Conservation Area Appraisal in 2021 and you may also wish to examine this document - Conservation Area Character Appraisal.

East Hoathly with Halland

Consultation Statement

The Consultation Statement is a supporting paper for the East Hoathly with Halland Neighbourhood Plan (EHHNP).  It sets out the process of consultation that has been undertaken in preparing the EHHNP and how that has informed the Referendum Version of the EHHNP.

East Hoathly with Halland

Basic Conditions Statement

The Basic Conditions Statement is a supporting paper for the East Hoathly with Halland Neighbourhood Plan (EHHNP).  It sets out how the Basic Conditions prescribed by

Paragraph 8(2) of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act (TCPA) 1990 are considered to have been met by the EHHNP.

East Hoathly with Halland

Sustainability Appraisal

The Sustainability Appraisal is a supporting paper for the East Hoathly with Halland Neighbourhood Plan (EHHNP).  It provides an opportunity to consider ways by which the plan can contribute to improvements in social and economic conditions in addition to the environmental conditions examined by an Strategic Environment Assessment or Habitat Regulations Appropriate Assessment. It can also be a means of identifying and mitigating any potential adverse effects that the plan might otherwise have.

East Hoathly with Halland

Local Green Space Assessment

The Local Green Space Assessment is a supporting paper for the East Hoathly with Halland Neighbourhood Plan (EHHNP).  It provides an assessment of potential Local Green Spaces against the criteria specified by the NPPF and recommends those suitable to be proposed for adoption as part of the EHHNP.

East Hoathly with Halland

Strategic Environmental Assessment -

Screening Opinion

The Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Opinion was carried out by WDC and concluded that a full Strategic Environmental Assessment for the EHHNP was not required.

East Hoathly with Halland

Habitat Regulations Assessment -

Screening Report

The Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report was carried out by WDC and concluded that a full Appropriate Assessment for the EHHNP was not required.

East Hoathly with Halland

Examiner's Report

An Independent Examiner (Christopher Lockhart-Mummery KC) from the Planning Inspectorate was appointed to examine the EHHNP.  The Examiner's Report recommended that, subject to specified modifications, the EHHNP should proceed to Referendum.

East Hoathly with Halland

WDC Decision Statement

WDC published their Decision Statement to allow the EHHNP to proceed to a Referendum on 23 July 2024.