Steering Group

Steering Group

The Parish Council set up a Steering Group in January 2017 comprised of several Parish Councillors and other members of the community.  The Council specified the Terms of Reference for the Steering Group and sought approval from Wealden that the whole of the Parish should be designated as the area for our NDP.  The individuals forming the Steering Group have changed over time and the current members comprise 3 Parish Councillors, 4 members of the Parish and it is chaired by the head of the Parish Council Planning Sub Committee.  If you have any expertise relevant to the Steering Group or are just interested in helping in the process, please let us know.

Current Steering Group Membership

Chris Magness* (Chair)

David Chapman                      

Gina Cuthbertson

Richard Partridge*

Tony Pope*

Kate Richardson

Jonathan Walker  

* Parish Councillor    

Steering Group Documents